A couple of times during the summer I got caught in torrential rain. This summer was like that - really sunny one minute, the sky open the next. One evening when I got home after being soaked to the skin I decided action needed to be taken.
I decided to buy an umbrella.
We have a couple of umbrellas in the house. Rina has a nice black one and a small red one that fits in her handbag. I have one of those £2 ones you buy at Sports Direct. My umbrella is awkward to carry, but also, after a couple of rainfalls it had started to come apart (what happens when you make an umbrella out of tissue I guess).
I decided to buy a nice umbrella. A strong umbrella.
I did a little research online and found that there was a make of umbrella called Fulton that were strong and well regarded. They also did umbrellas small enough to fit in my back pack. I bought one of those. (It cost £10, which seems a lot, but hopefully will negate the need to buy multiple £2 tissue umbrellas).
Well, that was about 2 months ago, and has it rained? Has it fuck. there has been flooding all over the UK, including at home, but not a drop in London. That was until this morning.
I was starting to hope it would rain to be able to break out the umbrella, watching the weather forecast each morning. But now that it has rained, well... the umbrella did its job admirably. Thank you. That's enough rain thanks.
I guess there is no pleasing some people.
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