Much has been said on the internet recently (and on BBC News this morning) about the changes Facebook has introduced. I haven't really noticed much of a difference, but that is probably down to the fact that I rarely access Facebook from anywhere other than a mobile device. Suffice to say - people don't like change!
What has occurred to me recently though is one of the major drawbacks of Facebook - namely its ability to magnify S.A.D.
I don't put much stall in Seasonally Affected Disorder. Nobody likes it getting cold! Everyone gets a bit down in the rain. Some people (not me mind) actually love the snow!
Where does Facebook come into this, I hear you ask. Well, I am very luck to be able to say I have a lot of friends in Australia. Some of my best friends moved there and I made friends with a lot of Australians who travelled round Europe. As the days get colder and the nights draw in here, I get to read, every day, and from a variety of sources, that the days are getting longer and hotter in Oz. Surfboards are being waxed, thongs are being donned and the rituals that welcome summer are well under way. It doesn't help that their winter is as warm as our summer either.
So if I believed in S.A.D, I would be absolutely sure that Facebook would make it worse.
I'm off to buy a new scarf.
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